Sunday, October 11, 2009



Ditinjau dari segi sesuai atau tidaknya dengan ajaran Islam, talak dibagi kepada dua bagian sebagai berikut;

  1. Talak Sunni, ialah talak yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam, artinya talak tersebut mengandung banyak kemudahan kepada pihak istri, seperti telah diatur dalam al-Qur’an dan Sunnah.
  2. Talak Bid’i, ialah talak yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam, artinya talak tersebut mengandung banyak kesulitan kepada pihak istri, seperti dengan talak tersebut menyebabkan iddah istri lebih panjang bila talak dijatuhkan pada saat suci dan telah dicampuri, yang akan menyebabkan iddah hamil dari mulai tidak menstruasi hingga melahirkan, atau bila menjatuhkan talak dalam keadaan menstruasi yang mengakibatkan iddahnya lebih panjang karena tiga kali suci pada saat itu masih belum dithitung satu sucian karena dalam keadaan menstruasi, disebutkan dalam al-Qur’an surat at-Talaq ayat 1, yang artinya; “Wahai nabi, Apabila kamu menceraikan istri-istrimu maka hendaklah kamu ceraikan mereka pada waktu mereka dapat (menghadapi) iddahnya (yang wajar), dan hitunglah waktu iddah itu.”

Ditinjau dari segi bilangan talak, maka talak hanya ada tiga, yaitu talak ke I, talak ke II, dan talak ke III, yang kesemuanya dibagi kepada dua bagian sebagai berikut;

  1. Talak Raj’i, ialah talak yang dapat dirujuk, yaitu talak ke I dan talak ke II, sesuai dengan al-Qur’an Surat al-Baqqrah ayat 229, yang artinya; “Talak (yang dapat dirujuk) itu dua kali.” Bekas suami dapat merujuk bekas istrinya setelah memikirkan dengan matang bahwa rujuk kembali lebih maslahat dari pada bercerai.
  2. Talak Bain, ialah talak yang tidak dapat dirujuk, yaitu talak ke III, talak Khulu’ dan talak atas putusan pengadilan.

Ditinjau dari segi talak yang tidak dapat dirujuk terbagi dua bagian sebagai berikut;

  1. Talak Bain Sugro, ialah talak yang tidak dapat rujuk kecuali dengan perkawinan baru dan dengan persetujuan istri, yaitu talak khulu’ dan talak atas putusan pengadilan.
  2. Talak Bain Kubro, ialah talak yang tidak dapat rujuk, karena talak sudah dijatuhkan sebanyak tiga kali, dan bila seorang bekas suami akan kembali lagi, maka bekas istri tersebut harus pernah kawin dahulu kepada pria lain dan sudah dicerai pula, sesuai dengan al-Qur’an Surat al-Baqarah ayat 230, yang artinya; “Jika dia menceraikannya (setalah talak yang kedua), maka perempuan itu tidak halal lagi baginya sebelum dia menikah dengan suami yang lain.”

Ditinjau dari jenisnya Talak Bain Sugro terbagi dua bagian sebagai berikut;

1. Talak Bain Sugro berdasarkan khulu’ yaitu talak berdasarkan pembayaran sejumlah uang atau harta benda dari seorang istri terhadap suaminya yang akan menjatuhkan talak.

2. Talak Bain Sugro berdasarkan putusan pengadilan, yaitu talak tanpa pembayaran sejumlah uang atau harta benda dari pihak istri kepada pihak suami yang diajukan ke lembaga peradilan. Seorang istri yang tersiksa lahir atau batin dalam suatu rumah tangga harus ada jalan keluar, dan kemafsadatan tidak boleh berlangsung tarus menerus, seperti disebutkan dalam al-Qur’an Surat at-Thalak ayat 6, yang artinya; “Tempatkanlah mereka (para istri) dimana kamu bertempat tinggal menurut kemampuanmu dan janganlah kamu menyusahkan mereka untuk menyempitkan (hati) mereka.”

Talak Khulu’ ialah talak dengan tebusan atau iwadl dari pihak istri kepada pihak suami, dan terbagi dua bagian sebagai berikut;

  1. Talak khulu’ berdasarkan taklik talak, yang pernah diucapkan oleh suami sesaat setelah akad nikah, dan pada saat mengucapkan taklik talak disebutkan besar uang iwadl yang harus dibayar oleh seorang istri yang mau mengajukan cerai gugat ke pengadilan agama. Taklik talak dibuat oleh para ulama agar istri dalam suatu keluarga dapat keluar dari kesulitan disebabkan pihak suami tidak bertanggung jawab dengan melanggar salah satu atau beberapa poin dari yang disebutkan dalam taklik talak.
  2. Talak khulu’ berdasarkan permintaan suami yang talaknya minta dibayar oleh istri, biasanya bila suaminya pernah memberi uang kepada istri sebesar 1juta rupiah, maka satu juta itulah yang diminta suami, dan bila suami pernah memberikan kebun kepada istrinya, maka kebun itulah yang diminta oleh suami, tetapi dalam praktek seorang suami seenaknya saja talaknya minta dibayar padahal sebelumnya suami tidak pernah memberikan apa-apa, hal yang demikian adalah praktek yang keliru yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Hukum asalnya tidak boleh permintaan suami atas harta yang telah diberikan kepada istri, akan tetapi dari pada istri tersiksa lahir batin secara terus menerus dalam suatu keluarga, maka talak khulu berdasarkan permintaan suami berupa sejumlah uang atau harta benda terhadap istrinya adalah suatu jalan keluar, seperti dijelaskan dalam hadits dari Ibnu Abbas sebagai berikut; “Istri Tsabit bin Qais datang kepada Rasulullah, seraya berkata; Ya Rasulallah, aku tidak senang kepadanya dalam hal akhlaknya dan agamanya, dan aku membenci kekupuran dalam Islam, Rasulullah menjawab; Bukankah engkau telah diberi sebidang kebun? Dan ia menjawab; Benar. Maka Rasulullah bersabda; Kembalikanlah sebidang kebun itu, dan jatuhlah talak tersebut. Diriwayatkan oleh Bukhori, Nasa’i, dan Ibnu Majah.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Divorce accusation to be applied by a wife to her husband in the court which the jurisdiction cover the residence of that wife, a wife who applied the divorce to be called a plaintiff, and a wife who was applied divorce to be called accused, as it is called in Article 73 verse 1 Law Number 7 year 1989 About Religious Court as to be changed by Law Number 3 year 2006; “Divorce accusation to be applied by wife to the court which the jurisdiction cover the residence of a plaintiff, except if the plaintiff leaves the gathering residence.

The reason of divorce accusation is same with the reason of talak divorce namely in Article 19 Government Regulation Number 9 year 1975 About the implementation of Law Number 1 year 1974 About Marriage, and to be added by Article 116 word “g” and “h” Compilation of Islamic Law.

The judgment of divorce accusation which had been legal directly there is a divorce between a husband and wife, and their talak to be called as “Talak Bain Sugro” it means that the former of husband could refer again except with the new marriage.

The judgment of divorce accusation as a result of talak khulu’ as it is mentioned in taklik talak agreement which was spoken by husband soon after marriage before, or a result of talak khulu’ where a husband asked a fez as some of money, goods or material to wife and then a husband would say a pledge of talak but in this case it is worth the agreement of wife and the judgment of a court.

Taklik talak agreement which was spoken by husband soon after marriage before content;

Sometime I myself;

  1. To leave my wife in a distance 2 (two) years continuously;
  2. or I did not give basic necessities of life to her in a distance 3 (three) m0nths;
  3. or I hurt my wife’s body;
  4. or I let (did not pay attention) my wife in a distance 6 (six) months.

Then my wife does not allow and apply to the court or to the official which was given the right to arrange matters of applied, and the applied to be received and to be justified by the court or the official and my wife pay a fez Rp 10.000,- (ten thousand) rupiah as a fez tome, so falling my first talak to her. I empower to the court or to the official for receiving the fez of money and then spending for social of religious service.

Leaving in a distance 2 (two) years continuously means that husband has not been known the complete address all over Indonesia, and the court invite the husband who was not known the complete address via mass media by newspaper or electronic media and the case could be taken place the session after the distance 4 (four) moths, as to be mentioned in Article 27 verse 1,2 and 3 Government Regulation Number 9 year 1975, as bellow;

  1. If the accused in a condition as mentioned in Article 20 verse 2, the invitation to be implemented by putting the law suit in the board of information in the court and to inform via one or few newspapers or another mess media which was determined by the court.
  2. The information by one or few newspaper or mess media was mentioned in verse (1) to be carried out twice with the distance one month between first invitation and the second one.
  3. The distance between the last invitation as it was mentioned in verse 2 with the session to be determined at least 3 (three) months.

The reason, husband let or did not allow in distance 6 (six) months, it means the husband to be known the completer address, and for the husband who was not known the complete address must be reached two years continuously.

The divorce by taklik talak reason the determination of judgment by the word; “Determining talak fall” it different with the divorce by another reason, it is usually by the words: “To fall first talak”, and it is certain both of them as talak bain sugro, it means talak could refer again, except by new marriage.


Talak Divorce to be applied by a husband to his wife in the religious court where his wife lives, a husband who applies a pledge of talak to be called applicant and wife to be applied for being divorced to be called accused, according to Article 66 verse 1 and 2 Law Number 7 year 1989 About The Religious Court as being changed by Law Number 3 year 2006, which called; “A husband with Islamic Religion which would divorce his wife apply an application to the court to hold the session for watching a pledge of talak.” “The application as it is purposed in verse (1) to be applied to a court which the jurisdiction covered the residence of his wife, except if his wife leaves the residence intentionally which was determined together without permission.”

Allah allowed talak, and Allah hated the happened of talak except there is a goodness for husband or wife, or there is a goodness for both of them, or there is a goodness for both of them and for their descendant, the conditions for Talak Divorce as it is mentioned in the Article 19 Government Regulation Number 9 year 1975 About the implementation for Law Number 1 year 1974 About Marriage;

Divorce could exist according to condition or conditions;

  1. One part to do any sexual act outside of marriage or become the use of opium, gambler, and so on which is very difficult to recover.
  2. One part leaves another part since 2 (two) years continuously without permission another part and without legal condition or because of another condition outside his ability.
  3. One part get the punishment of prison 5 (five) years or the punishment more heavy after marriage.
  4. One part to do the cruel or to do the heavy mistreatment which is dangerous to another.
  5. One part to get a physical defect or disease with result something cause could not carry out the duty as a husband/wife.
  6. Between husband and wife to exist the quarrel continuously and make something a subject of a dispute and there is no hope would life harmoniously again in a family.

In Compilation of Islamic Law to add two conditions for getting divorce as to exist in Article 116 as bellow;

  1. Husband to avoid taklik talak (agreement soon after marriage).
  2. Changing religion or murtad with result something cause there is no harmony in a family.

The judgment of religious court which permitted a husband to say a pledge of talak, if the judgment has been legal, so that husband has been allowed to say a pledge of talak since 6 (six) moths, if in six moths a husband did not say a pledge talak yet, it means the talak did not fall and they are still a husband and wife status.

If a husband to say a pledge of talak after the judgment have a legal which was taken place in the session of religious court before the distance of six month, so that talak to be called as Talak Raj’i, it means a husband could refer to his wife again with the condition his wife agreed it with manner to register again to Office of Religion Affair.